To counsel missionaries, pastors, Christian leaders and their families via a therapeutic Christian community so that they continue long-term and stay healthy in their ministries.
To be a Christian counseling center known worldwide for its ethical and ministerial excellence with centers in Portugal and Latin American countries.
About Us
An interdenominational Christian counseling center. We offer rest and revitalization, in a differentiated environment, maintaining an atmosphere of Christian love and emotionally safe to vent pains, sorrows and pressures of life and refreshment for the soul.

The dreamer, creator and founder of Oasis is William Bacheller Junior (Bill), who, with Enoque Ozório de Faria (also founder), produced the first season, in July 2005.
In your skin, Pr. Bill and his wife Karina had already experienced the wear and tear and pressures of ministry in Trinidad and Tobago, which eventually led Bill down the difficult path of depression. Thanks to the Father, he received help and care.
Years later, advising the pastors of the Evangelical Christian Church of Brazil (ICEB) and the students of the Evangelical Christian Theological Seminary of Brazil (SETECEB), Pr. Bill saw the great need for care of God's children. They needed a place to rest – that seems obvious, but more than that, they needed a place where they could speak to listening, trustworthy ears, ears that would not judge or propagate what was shared, they needed careful professional observation that read between the lines and decipher silences and body signals, they needed help to detect key points related to deep issues and their true causes, they needed discoveries, insights and revelations from the Spirit, they needed assertive questioning and fired at the right time and they needed humble prayer, thoughtful referrals and possible solutions.
Pr. Bill knew there wasn't such a place... and so he decided that the Oasis would be that place!
What Do We Offer
Oasis Ministry offers 12 counseling periods (one per month) consisting of 12 days each, in which the guests are invited to participate in the following:
Pastoral staff
Offers pastoral counseling, personal devotional times and group chapel times.
Staff of psychologists
Attend counselees daily, for an hour, indicating appropriate reading from our library.
Department of intercession
Mobilize intercessors to pray for and with, our counselees.
Married Couples
We accept couples, husband and wife to participate in the 12-day counseling session, but do not accept only one of the members of the couple.
Oasis Kids
A specialized team cares for children aged 13 to 17, providing therapies, devotions and recreational activities. For children aged 5 to 12, currently, as we do not have a child therapist, we will not offer therapy, but we will offer devotionals and recreational activities. Children under 5 are also welcome! We want each participant, from the youngest to the oldest, to feel welcomed, loved and cared for.
- Two daily consultations lasting approximately one hour (adults) – one with the therapist and one with the counselor.
- Three sessions per week lasting approximately one hour (adolescents – from 13 to 17 years old) – with the therapist.
- Meals – breakfast (8am to 9am), lunch (1pm) and dinner (7pm)
- Devotional (20h)
- Physical activity
- Art therapy
- Beauty day
- Trip to the city of Anápolis – pamonharia and ice cream parlor
- Readings
- Walking track
- Pool
- Grill
- Outdoor area
2025 Season
Anápolis Unit
January | : | 12 to 24 |
February | : | 09 to 21 |
March | : | 09 to 21 |
April | : | 06 to 18 |
May | : | 11 to 23 |
June | : | 08 to 20 |
July | : | 06 to 18 |
August | : | 10 to 22 |
September | : | 07 to 19 |
October | : | 12 to 24 |
November | : | 09 to 21 |
December | : | 07 to 19 |
Belo Horizonte Unit
January/February | : | 01/27 to 02/07 |
April | : | 13 to 24 |
July/August | : | 07/21 to 08/01 |
October | : | 20 to 31 |

You can partner with us either by an ocasional gift, or a Monthly gift. Individuals, Businesses, Clubs, Groups and churches can participate in the Member Care of Missionaries, Pastors, Liders and their families.

CNPJ: 24.714.584/0001-25
Ministério Oasis - Centro de Aconselhamento Cristão
Bradesco Bank
Agency: 3406
Checking Account: 9306-8
Caixa Econômica Federal Bank
Agency: 2981
Operation: 003
Checking Account: 3103-2
PIX: tesouraria.oasis@gmail.com

Oasis Family
Oasis's objective during the 12 day counseling period is to provide accommodations for the families of pastors, missionaries and leaders who need member care.
In the time between the Monthly 12 day counseling period, our objective is to accommodate transcultural missionarie who are in Brazil for home assignment, vacation or in transition to a new área of ministry.
The first chalé in the project Oasis Family
Our plans include the construction of five more chales, composed of one suíte, a bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen; a small picnic grounds, with a barbecue pit; a games room (ping pong, table games, pool table, etc.); a weight room and a playground.
Solar Energy
Currently, Oasis Ministry pays a R$2000 per month electric bill.
Com tecnologia de energia solar, porém, o custo pode ser praticamente zero, permitindo, assim, investimento de recursos em outras áreas. However, solar energy technology, will diminish the cost to practically nothing, thus permitting investments of our resources in other areas.
Contact us
Do you have any doubt? Contact us!
Anápolis Unit
Rodovia Anápolis-Goianápolis, QD 14, LT 07 - Sítios de Recreio Presidente, Goianápolis - GO, 75170-000
Belo Horizonte Unit
Avenida Portugal, 1346 - Jardim Atlântico, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31550-000